Iyengar Yoga Champaign-Urbana

Healing Class: Low Back (FF & Online)
with Jerry


March 8 (Saturday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Learn how to alleviate low back pain with passive postures that release muscular and mental tension, increase circulation and decrease inflammation. Learn how to realign imbalanced areas of the back. All levels of students and drop-ins welcome.

Specific Prop Guidelines for the Online Low Back Class:
The class is designed for people with low back aches and pains but anyone wanting a more relaxed back can attend. To best address these issues, I use props. Below is a list of suggested props to have ready for the class. I’ve listed the “yoga” prop for those of you that have them at home and then alternatives using things you probably have around the house. If you have none of it – still attend. We’ll figure it out!
  • 2 backless yoga chairs (1 chair if that’s what you have). Alternative – Folding chairs or kitchen chairs. The chair should be without wheels and if possible, without arms.
  • 3 blankets. Any blanket off your bed will work. Alternative – 2 large bath towels and 1 hand size towel.
  • 1 bolster. Alternative – a firm couch cushion. Your blankets can be used instead of the bolster.
  • 5-10 lb. sandbag. Alternative – bag of rice or beans (double bagged in case it breaks) or a plate weight.
  • Yoga mat. Helpful but not necessary.      
It will be best to set up your yoga space near a blank wall.

If you wish to attend class online, just ignore the Zoom link that is automatically sent to you, and come to the studio, per usual.


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