Iyengar Yoga Champaign-Urbana

Women's Essentials (Online Only) - Please View Prerequisites
with Zoë (sub for Lois Steinberg)


March 12 (Wednesday)
at 9:15 am

Class length
90 minutes

An introductory class with emphasis on women’s health, including menses, pregnancy, post-partum, and menopause. Enroll any time.

Women's Essentials Prerequisites
 (a) Min. Props: mat, armless chair or yoga chairs, bolster, 4 blankets, block, belt
       Find props at www.toolsforyoga.net search for Lois' Beginner or Deluxe Kit
 (b) View Cross Bolsters and Salamba Purvottanasana (~5 min ea)
 (c) Pregnant students must have experience in Iyengar Yoga and rent Yoga for a Healthy Pregnancy Part 1 through this link: https://www.union.fit/orgs/iyengar-yoga-therapeutics/videos/XPz4qi8zxH7BbKUHUfwHeg4D. The charge is $50. If you're having trouble accessing this recording contact [email protected].


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