Iyengar Yoga Champaign-Urbana

Hip! Hip! Hooray! Workshop (ONLINE)
with Lois Steinberg

May 22 (Sunday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
180 minutes

Pre-requisite: CIYT in good standing or student teachers with a letter from your mentor
confirming your commitment to certification.
Fee: $45 USD
3 hours of Continuing Education for IYNAUS and IAYT

When we help students with common ailments of knees, low back, neck and shoulders, it can
be pretty straightforward to adapt the asanas and pranayamas to include the students in the
classes. However, hips can be more challenging to adapt. There is more of a “geography”
pertaining to the hips that may involve referred pain from the sacrum, the femur/acetabular
junction, the labrum, the pubis symphysis joint, scoliosis derived hip pain, and the adjoining
connections with the knees, ankles, and feet.

This course will help you as a teacher to understand the geography of the hips and to help your
students with hip problems. The anatomy of the hips will be conducted by Hermann for the first
half. For the second half, Lois will guide you through basic adaptive asanas for problem hips.


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